How to Pray for Your Children…

Pray for their relationship with God:

  • That they may know “how wide and long and high and deep this love of Christ is, and know this love surpasses knowledge.” (Eph.3:18,19)
  • That at an early age they may accept Christ as their Saviour. (ll Tim. 3:15)
  • That they will allow God to work in their lives to accomplish His purpose for them. (Philippians 2:13)
  • That they will earnestly seek God and love to go to church. (Psa. 63:1 & 122:1)
  • That they will be caught when guilty. (Psa. 119:71)

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Pray for Godly attributes:

  • That they will be protected from attitudes of inferiority or superiority. (Gen.1:27. Phil. 2:3)
  • That they will respect authority. (l Sam. 15:23)
  • That they will hate sin. (Psa. 97:10)
  • That they will deal with anger. (Eph. 4:26)
  • That they will exhibit the fruit of the Spirit in their lives. (Gal. 5:22,23)

Pray for family relationships:

  • That they will obey their parents in the Lord. (Pro. 1:8,9 , Col. 3:20)
  • That they will accept discipline and profit from it. (Pro. 3:11,12 & 23:13)
  • That they will love their siblings and not allow rivalry to hinder lifelong positive relationships. (Matt. 5:22)
  • That we as parents may so live before them as to entice them to the banqueting table, not drive them away. (Matt. 5:16)

Pray for relationships with friends:

  • That they will choose Godly friends, who will build them up in the Lord (Pro. 27:9, Eccl. 4:10), and be kept from harmful friendships that will lead them astray. (Pro. 1:10)
  • That they will be firm in their convictions to withstand peer pressure. (Eph. 4:14)
  • That they will be a friend to the lonely, the discouraged, the lost. (Matt. 25:40, Phil. 2:4)

Pray for protection:

  • From the evil one. (John 17:15)
  • From drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, ungodly music, pornography. (Pro. 20:1 & 23:31,32)
  • From wrong friends and influences (Pro. 1:10-19)
  • From pre-marital sex. (l Cor. 6:18-20)
  • From physical danger – accidents and illness. (Phil. 4:6)

Pray for their future:

  • That they will be wise in their choice of a mate – pray now for the one who will marry your son or daughter, that they will be raised in a Christian home, remain pure, and that they will bring one another great joy. (Pro. 19:14)
  • That they will be wise in their choice of a career. (Pro. 3:6)
  • That they will be wise in the use of their God-given gifts, talents, and abilities. (Matt. 25:21)